March 29, 2011

not by my strength

have you realized, when you think and act based on your knowledge that God has already given you the power to do things, you've already denied His mighty.

You might be surprise to read this, because you'll say, hey, i don't denied His mighty, because I've known He has given me the strength, so i can do anything.

The point is, you miss that you cannot do anything without Him. You ask for His help and you get His mercy on you.

It is not based on your knowledge that He has given you the strength but it's because you are nothing without Him so that you ask for His help.

Now, i just realized that... what along journey...

March 28, 2011

What should i do ?

I don't know what i have to do next..
I need You to help me to go on to the next step of being a true responsible adult..
I am afraid of making decision based on my knowledge and strength..
I need You to show me the way..

March 26, 2011

something in the water

something in the water that makes me love you like i do...
life is so beautiful...
praise the Lord for the things that you've got and been through
for the best for the worst
they all happened for a reason
thank You for giving me a forgiving heart
draw me close to You
and shape me according to Your plan..
I love You...

March 25, 2011

Happy for you

happy to hear that you are happy
happy to see the smile on your face
happy that you touched by this one
happy that everything is gonna be just fine
happy for you

can't wait for the happy more news to come
hopefully this is your last journey of searching..

am i crying inside...
i use to it....

March 11, 2011

planning to visit my old friends

I'm starting to visit my old friends at my previous works.
I miss them.
This Sunday will be fun meeting Bu Fang and her boyish girl nana..^.^
So after having great time with my little friends. I'll soon right away go to BTM by green angkot, my one and only faithful public transportation that I've used since kindergarten.
Yeah i have to follow His voice by doing something useful starting at home with the unfinished matters, family's bond, etc.
night ..

March 10, 2011

jatuh cinta

ku tulis ini bukan karena sedang jatuh cinta..
ku tulis ini karena banyak orang jatuh cinta..
katanya love is in the air, beibeh.. (cowo bgt seehh..;)

cinta kirim perasaannya lewat..
detak jantung..(dug..dug..)
denyut nadi..(cenut..cenut.. you know me so well..:D)
kerling mata..(apaan..tuh..kata kang jaja miharja..LOL)
senyum simpul..(simpul apa .. kuis ria yuk..)
bahasa tubuh..(kirain bahasa tarzan..wkkwkk..)
bahasa puitis..(a love letter..?)
pesan singkat.. ( kirain penyetara pager..jadoelnya pesan kawat telegrap..perang dunia II)

rekam gambar.. (foto cepyar charlie chaplin..atau digital photograhy yg menjamur ..)
bunga cinta.. (di rawa belong)
coklat manis..(so yummy..:)
status fb.. (on line...on line..)
kicau twitt..(bernyanyi setiap saat)
blog pribadi..(diary curhat)
celoteh tiada henti.. (yg denger seneng lama2 bt juga..kayak kaset rusak:piss)

apa lagi ya... buntu ide... lampu di atas kepala gak muncul2 juga..
sign out from my santuary the secluded blog..

my Love wings me in Your deepest tender heart..


How many times have i been writing about raining?
I can't even remember...
It's raining again..
So hard...
My heart, soul and mind broken into pieces...
It's not completed yet...
Will i hide even deeper than before...
It's just You...
That i have...

March 06, 2011


Takut untuk memutuskan melanjutkan kepemimpinan untuk sesuatu yang ingin dilakukan sendiri atau hanya meneruskan karena tidak merasa yakin dengan kemampuan diri.
Takut untuk mengatakan bahwa idealisme siri berbeda.
Takut untuk menjadi berbeda, karena berbeda yang ini bukanlah sesuatu yang dapat diterima secara universal oleh umum.
Apa yang disukai oleh kebanyakan orang tidak selalu merupakan suatu kebenaran.
Apa yang dibenci oleh kebanyakan orang tidak selalu merupakan suatu kesalahan.

Menjadi takut karena seringkali bersilang pendapat sehingga miskin dukungan yang membentuk citra diri yang positif.

Akankah sang takut terus bertengger di atas ketidakpastian yang menyelimuti kegamangan.

Mengapakan menjadi berbeda adalah suatu kemaluan yang harus disimpan dan dihindari dari tilik orang lain....?