April 03, 2011


by Sri Monica Indriaty on Friday, April 1, 2011 at 9:09pm

an old (so old) wise man ever said, when your heart is content or full of joy there's no such words or whatsoever as madness, agony, bitterness, sadness, loneliness, long waiting, etc occupy your heart... then I asked my self, can i have that pure heart? soooooo white, as white as cotton...(talking about cotton, it reminds me of this kid's science project:) he said what's next miss, what's the function of the cotton, cotton is so white..if you pour dirty water then the cotton will change it's color, because it's the last filter then all soft of tiny and harmful materials that pass the big rocks, small rocks and sand will be filtered by that white cotton except the bacteria and germs ....what about our heart?)

* remembering if i didn't want to hear good things what people said...i always said bla..bla..bla...

(P.S sssttttt.....by heart only:) btw. still it isn't good, is it...

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